Hello! Hello! Hello! So, whilst we wait with anticipation to see what Creative Folkestone pulls out of their bag for the next Triennial (Fingers crossed for 2025) I’d like us to collaborate on a little thing I’m calling “The Other Folkestone Triennial”

Think of it at as an open ended, playfully mischievous creative endeavour of sorts for the people of this brilliant little town by the sea. I have no idea where it’ll go or how it’ll pan out, but I’ve been thinking it would be fun to do something together as a community.

So let’s start with a simple question. If you were given the opportunity. What would you create for this town? A mural? A sculpture perhaps or some form of installation? A performance or experience? An intervention? A demonstration? Maybe you’d just like to fill in some pot holes or plant some trees? Let’s not get bogged down in practicalities or tiresome details such as money, health and safety etc. Let’s begin with play and day dreaming. I’m genuinely curious to see what we could come up with. It might just fall flat on its face or just lead to a discussion and an exchange of ideas and concepts. But perhaps it could lead to something more?

Please post your ideas on social media using the hashtag #theotherfolkestonetriennial

But lets not rely on the old socials. That’s such a bore. Share them with each other in the pub, over a coffee or a walk around the harbour. Perhaps bring them to one of the “Thingy’s” I’ll be organising over the coming weeks and months around town…


Thingy No. 2

Has summer finally arrived? Is it time to wap out the sunscreen and hit the beach? Who the hell knows but I fancy an ice cream and know that it’s about time we had another “Thingy” for #theotherfolkestonetriennial

The last one was insightful as much as it was daft. It brought together people to answer the question “What would you create for Folkestone if you were given the opportunity?” From seagulls made of chips to giant political quilts and a Southern Water Sh*t Monster, the ideas and conversations bounced all over the shop. We discussed how art is “used” and “utilised” in this town for better or worse. What’s its purpose? Who is it for? Do people even care? We ventured into the realms are arts education, being told “you can’t draw” by tyrant art teachers and the joys of sitting in an empty cardboard. Despite having zero budget and a lot of imagination I feel there were some tangible ideas that could come to fruition.

So, we’re going to continue with this playful adventure with another “Thingy” on Sunday 16th June from 12-3pm at the Urban Room in town. Please pop along for a natter and a draw and feel free you bring your dad as I know it’s Father’s Day…

Urban Room / Harbour Street / Folkestone / CT20 1TP